Acceptable Use
Read Below

By using our services you agree to comply with our policies. We expect you to have a basic knowledge of how the Internet functions, the types of uses that are generally acceptable, and the types of uses that are to be avoided. Common sense is the best guide as to what is considered acceptable use. Interpretation

The provisions of this Policy are intended as guidelines and are not meant to be exhaustive. Generally, conduct that violates law, regulation, or the accepted norms of the Internet community, whether or not expressly mentioned in this Policy, is prohibited. reserves the right at all times to prohibit activities that damage its commercial reputation and goodwill. Illegal Use services may be used only for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. System and Network Security

Violations of system or network security are prohibited, and may result in criminal and civil liability. Examples include but are not limited to the following: unauthorized access, use, probe, or scan of a system's security or authentication measures, data or traffic. Interference with service to any user, host or network including, without limitation, mail bombing, flooding, deliberate attempts to overload a system, and broadcast attacks. has a "zero tolerance" policy regarding Denial of Service Attacks. reserves the right to terminate any Hosting account or Dedicated or Managed Server or Colocation account that has been the target of a Denial of Service or similar type attack.

No servers, services or networks may be used for:

* Email spamming
* IRC Hosting or Services of any kind
* Warez, Hackz or Serialz sites.
* Illegal content or activities
* Pornographic content or images
* Any other type of high packet load or disruptive network traffic

Ask before you attempt something questionable. It will save us all a lot of trouble. Spamming Directly or indirectly transmitting or supporting the transmission of unsolicited mail messages, including, without limitation, commercial advertising and informational announcements, is expressly prohibited. A user shall not use another site's mail server to relay mail without the express permission of the site.

Service Disruption
If your account is effecting the performance, reliability, or uptime of other customers, your service may be cancelled without notification. For example, if your website is hosting a large download file and you are maxing out the download speeds capable of our webserver, it will result in slow loading times for the rest of our customers, and we may cancel your account as a result of this. Another example is, your game server is running a map or modification which is hogging system resources, resulting in lag for the rest of our customers, and we may cancel your account as a result of this. All account cancellations are subject to a possible partial refund which will be reviewed by

Service Usage and Restrictions

(a) Game Servers: Game Servers are applications running on' equipment which allow the Customer to play a PC Computer Game over the internet with other internet users. Customers pay for a specific number of player slots (known as "Max Players" on the order form), which is the maximum number of internet users whom can connect to your game server at any given time, the number of player slots may not be altered or changed by the Customer unless written permission is given to Customer by Customers who rent game servers for Half-Life or Half-Life 2 pc games pay for a specified tickrate (known as "Tickrate" on the order form) and fps (known as "Server FPS" on the order form) setting on the game server, which controls the bandwidth; cpu; and ram/memory usage of the game server, a higher tickrate and fps improves the game server performance, the tickrate and fps may not be altered or changed by the Customer unless written permission is given to Customer by If the package you purchase for the Game Server is Private (known as "Private" under "Max Players" on the order form) or Passworded, which means they are to have a password at all times, Customer is not permitted or allowed to remove the game server's password at any time, or make the password public by posting the password on a public website of any kind, or posting the password in the game server's hostname. Failure to abide by these usage rules or restrictions will result in immediate service cancellation. All usage of the Game Server must abide by this Terms of Service (TOS) and the' Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Customer acknowledges that they are not purchasing a PC Computer Game from', the Customer is only purchasing space (CPU, RAM/Memory, and Hard-Drive Space) in which a dedicated game server (application) is run on' equipment. The actual PC Computer Game must be provided by the Customer, and purchased or obtained lawfully from its manufacturer. Customer is not given access to' equipment, Customer is only given access to the installed application (game server) and the space it is installed to on' equipment.' makes no guarantee of the performance of its services provided to Customer, only the uptime which is outlined in the Service Level Agreement in the' Terms of Service agreement, the advertised tickrate (known as "Tickrate" on the order form) and fps (known as "Server FPS" on the order form) numbers are not guaranteed - only an average number that the application can reach,' does our best to ensure the numbers remain at their advertised numbers however it is not guaranteed and no service credit or refund will be given shall they fall below which is advertised, any issue with performance of the service will not be subject to service credit or refund. Customer is not permitted to run any addon modification or map on their rented Game Server if that addon modification or map consumes excess resources (CPU/RAM usage). The addon modifications and maps that are restricted or not allowed are determined by on a case by case basis, and potentially any addon modification or map could be deemed consuming more resources (CPU/RAM usage) and therefor not allowed. If decides you are running an addon modification or map in which consumes too much resources (CPU/RAM usage), the files will be removed from Customer 's account by and the Customer will be warned, if the Customer does not comply with requests, their account may be terminated. Customer is not guaranteed a refund if deems an addon modification or map not allowed.

(b) Ventrilo Voice Server: Ventrilo Voice Servers are applications running on' equipment which allow internet users to connect to the ventrilo voice server using the ventrilo client application, and voice chat with other internet users in that ventrilo voice server. Customer pays for a maximum users (known as "Max Users" on the order form) amount, which limits the number of maximum users whom can connect to the ventrilo voice server at any given time, this maximum users may not be altered or changed by Customer unless the Customer receives written permission from All usage of the ventrilo voice server must abide by this Terms of Service (TOS) and the' Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Customer acknowledges that they are not purchasing a Ventrilo from', the Customer is only purchasing space (CPU, RAM/Memory, and Hard-Drive Space) in which a ventrilo voice server (application) is run on' equipment. The actual Ventrilo client application must be provided by the Customer, and purchased or obtained lawfully from its developer. Customer is not given access to' equipment, Customer is only given access to the installed application (ventrilo voice server) and the space it is installed to on' equipment.' makes no guarantee of the performance of its services provided to Customer, any issue with performance of the service will not be subject to service credit or refund. The ventrilo client application can be downloaded for free at

(c) Web Hosting: Web Hosting accounts are rented space and bandwidth on' equipment which allow the Customer to host files on the world-wide web such as websites, blogs, downloadable files, and more. Customer pays for a maximum space (megabytes) (known as "Hard-Drive Space" on the order form) and maximum transfer (megabytes) (known as "Monthly Transfer" on the order form), these maximum numbers may not be altered or changed by Customer unless the Customer is given written permission from If the maximum space (megabytes) or maximum bandwidth transfer (megabytes) is reached, the Customer's service will be suspended until the Customer upgrades his or her account, or the term ends and a new term is begun. "Hard-Drive Space" is the amount of space the customer is given to store files, this amount of space may not be exceeded. "Monthly Transfer" is the amount of data/bandwidth the Customer is permitted to use in one (1) month, this amount may not be exceeded. Customer is not permitted to host illegal files such as warez, computer viruses, or any other illegal files outlined in the laws of the United States of America, or the states of Michigan and Illinois - more information on this can be found in the' Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Pornographic content and images is not permitted on' web hosting accounts. All usage of the web hosting account must abide by this Terms of Service (TOS) and the' Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Customer acknowledges that they are not purchasing a website from', the Customer is only purchasing space (CPU, RAM/Memory, and Hard-Drive Space) and bandwidth transfer in which a website can be run on' equipment. The actual website must be provided by the Customer, and purchased or obtained lawfully while abiding by local, state, and national copyright laws. Customer is not given access to' equipment, Customer is only given access to the space of the Customer's service.' makes no guarantee of the performance of its services provided to Customer, any issue with performance of the service will not be subject to service credit or refund.

Failure to follow the above listed rules is deemed a breach of this agreement and is subject to review by, and may result in immediate account cancellation. Consequences of Violation

When becomes aware of an alleged violation of its Acceptable Use Policy, will initiate an investigation. During the investigation may restrict Customer's access in order to prevent further possible unauthorized activity. Depending on the severity of the violation, may, at its sole discretion, restrict, suspend, or terminate Customer's account and/or pursue other civil remedies. If such violation is a criminal offense, will notify the appropriate law enforcement department of such violation. does not issue service credits for any outages incurred through service disablement resulting from Policy violations.

Violating this agreement may result in immediate account cancellation. Modification reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any provision of this Policy at any time without notice. Reporting Network Abuse

Any party seeking to report any violations of 's policy may contact us via e-mail: [email protected]